Subordinate Clause: Definition, Types & ExamplesA subordinate clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb but…
Noun Clause: Definition, Types, and ExamplesNoun clause is a group of words that functions as a noun in a sentence. It…
Non-Restrictive Clause: Definition, Examples & UsageA non-restrictive clause is a type of adjective clause that provides extra information about a noun…
What Are Coordinate Clauses? Rules & Examples ExplainedCommon Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS) For (Explains a reason.) And (Adds information.) Nor (Adds a negative alternative.)…
Independent Clause Explained: Rules, and ExamplesAn independent clause is a group of words that forms a complete sentence on its own.…
Adverbial ClauseIn this blog post, you will learn about adverbial clauses. These are groups of words that…